Posted: 10-10-2019

Toys Toys Toys?

When thinking about a title for this blog I considered a play on ‘Toys R Us’ then suddenly I was reminded of Sabrina’s song from the 1980s about men (Boys, Boys, Boys) released around the time I was becoming a teenager and very interested in the opposite sex.

Not too long ago I walked into a hotel room which just by careful alteration of the lighting, heating, and the addition of music was instantly turned into a cosy romantic love nest. On the bedside table sat a couple of interesting little toys, my initial reaction was “Oh no not for me”. Having initially tried toys in my 20s and early 30s without success I decided toys were not going to do anything for me, and focused instead on the things which did bring me to orgasm. Throughout this meeting I wondered at my strong reaction I have started to become a little more adventurous lately, so perhaps it is time to revisit toys it would certainly add to my bookings and perhaps this time I will find pleasurable success.

There are many toys available I do not know where to start so I will start looking for something which particularly appeals to me.

Using Google I have carried out a little bit of research, I had already been aware that shared toys should be covered with a condom changed between partners, and the toy itself cleaned after each use. During my investigation reading
How to clean your vibrator I found this 10 Things to Never Put Near Your Vagina entertaining and informative at the same time.
What’s the best way to clean sex toys? and
clean your sex toys both agree that glass, pyrex, stainless steel toys are the easiest to clean, with porous jelly and latex toys requiring more careful attention.