Posted: 24-08-2024
Do you plan to retire, will you ever stop this, would you let me know if you do? These are questions that have been asked ever since I started over 15 years ago, and they keep being asked. The truth is I do not know, I did come to a point where opportunity did arise but I never jumped out of the boat I kept sailing and the boat seemed to grow. The pandemic could have been another point of divergence, but all it did was reinforce how much I like 'doing what I do'. More online exposure brought the opportunity to enter the BDSM scene, and develop my skills further. This leads to another question; Will you stop offering GFE? The answer to this is a firm "No", GFE is something I became known for - just being Ruth as Ruth. I have a passion for lingerie, stockings, tease and can also be very happy in something less formal if requested.
What I do find is BDSM gives me opportunity to explore my kinky side, and provide variety so I am not always doing the same thing - I am using my body and mind in different ways. `There are also things I can use in both types of booking, for example my sensuality and sexuality, my ability to tease and my sense of humour. Coming back to GFE without the whips, chains, equipment can in some ways seem 'easy' but I would say that both styles have their difficult parts, both have their easier both balance out.
Some in-person clients become concerned I will move to solely online work eg webcam, video, phone chat. I had an intense year or so of this during the pandemic, since then I have combined in-person as well as online. Some clients enjoy a mix of the two, some for logistical reasons stay online. My aim is to have choice, the online is something else I have learned about, developed, gained skills for example video filming and editing. Video and photography as well as learning to phone chat allowed me to discover a creativity I did not previously recognise. I would think about how to recreate scenarios, roleplay, situations, scenes, sights, sounds, descriptive use of words and breath. I now have plenty of photos and media to share in a variety of places for the benefit of my clients, those who are interested, some who I have not met but may wish to - as well as my own satisfaction. Another way to look at this is I have several ways to interact, ways of working to fit my lifestyle and situation. Each might mean I am more available or more accessible at certain times, or allow me to reduce risk, reduce stress thus extending my longevity. I still have the same drive, determination, same Ruth-ness.
When confronted with the retirement full stop question I often say "I have been asked this for the last 15 years, but I have not finished yet and you might stop before I do"
Posted: 19-06-2024
I am constantly asked to return to London, I am also asked to tour a many other places. My criteria has to be a pull of some sort, an event or something unique. Liverpool now has a regular alternative market, London has quite a few attractions particularly in the BDSM world, the North East has much support from other Escorts and an outreach, Manchester tends to pull for pin-photography and social events, another place beginning with a 'C' has become my own version of a spa break. These are all places I can be myself, I have also promised for at least 10 years to tour a popular northwest seaside resort - not least because I have always had a good time personally there.
Most recently I attended a concert at the Grand Theatre in that same seaside town, the Red Hot Chilli Pipers. Not to be confused with the Chili Peppers, the Pipers are a bagrock performance group covering a selection of rock and pop songs over the last perhaps 4 decades. They are NOT a 'Peppers' cover band. Their performance is added to by the Red Hot Chilli Dancers, who looking almost like identical twins are related to a band member. As you may or may not guess, the pipers put on a real show from their very smart version of scottish dress, to their introduction, narrative, presentation and outfit changes most notably the main singer. This group have toured the world for the last 20 years and continue to do so. The theatre was packed and literally dancing in the aisles. I look forward to returning in the next few months.
For a list of the places I am due to visit please see my availability page, I do not publish exact dates because I like to keep my travels low-key. Only accepting a few bookings when I tour all bookings must be placed, deposit paid, all requests made before I travel (ideally no later than 1 week prior), limitations and costs mean I charge a little extra and like to speak to enquirers individually before accepting tour bookings. If you are interested in seeing me in any of the listed locations, please do make contact by telephone call, polite succinct SMS, or email I will then be happy to provide more information so you can check your diary and we can hopefully start to make arrangements.