Posted: 03-03-2024

A little Experience

In the last few years I started to realise how much experience I have built up over 15 plus years as an Escort, I have also adopted this into my language when taking new enquiries in the form of the phrase "Everything I do is based on experience". According to Oxford Languages 'experience' can be defined as "practical contact with and observation of facts or events", this is very true for myself. I have learned being very clear, running through and confirming everything avoids misunderstandings that could make it difficult to relax or create an awkward atmosphere. 

Quite a few people tell me they really like knowing where they stand, finding my approach reassuring. When setting up the booking with explicit permission I almost always send an SMS text or email acknowledging receipt of deposit, balance to pay cash on arrival as well as the agreed time, date, location, duration I also double check I have all the details absolutely correct myself, as well as covering some does and don'ts. I also include confirmation details, why confirmation? This is a check on the day that both parties are ok, it is also essential because unfortunately enough people even after paying a significant deposit forget their appointment, or do not tell me they cannot make it. A couple of people have also experienced sudden death or serious accident. In an activity in which discretion & privacy is important by having an agreed usually very early contact point we both know everything is going to plan.

There are lots of other things I ask or do to make sure the booking goes ahead smoothly, as well as look after both of us perhaps I shall write more in my next blog.