Posted: 01-03-2015

Presents and presence

Hi there again

I wanted to revisit a post I made approximately 12 months ago, in which I mentioned chocolates and perfume.

Firstly I’d like to reitterate that although I love chocolate, I have a particular reaction to chocolate which isn’t helpful, and I’d like to ask please do not bring me any. Second is that whilst I really enjoy providing an intimate, individual experience, I don’t find champagne or fancy dining a treat. Relaxing by the fire (my place or yours), snuggling under the covers, showing off my lovely lingerie to you, yes that is me being pampered and all I require.

I have also recently had my perfume collection topped up, so more than provided for the next two years!

My fee is more than enough, and all that I expect.

If you do wish to treat me, then as always a nice piece of steak is always received with glee.

“What sort of a woman likes steak as a present?!”

I do, and I’d rather say so than be thinking “Oh dear what a waste”.