Posted: 27-08-2018


Ooh what to write on an August Bank holiday Monday I’m drinking coffee before going out for a planned walk which is part of my training this week, listening to the soundtrack from a film I watched last night.

I’ve had a tendency to be quite serious focusing on documentaries, and historical dramas so this year have made a point of forcing myself to watch a few musicals. Last night was one of those ‘musical’ nights, this time it was time to watch something I was brought up to avoid and it’s definitely put a smile onto my face. I’m just adding the soundtrack to my little ipod shuffle so I can bounce along whilst pounding the paths.

Over the next month or two there will be a few weekends when I’m not contactable, I will post these on my availability page as and when they become definite. This does not mean I’m ceasing weekend bookings, simply means a few Saturdays and Sundays when I may not be available and/or am not responding as quickly as usual to phone calls or emails. The first one will be 2nd September, second one 15th September my phone will be off all day on both dates. I will however be fully contactable the following days, when I shall also catch up on any unanswered emails. As ever I do my best to respond to all contact, and the more specific you can be in any emails the easier it is to reply.

The download is now completed, so off I bounce.

Ruth x

PS returned home to find Dead Ringers on Radio 4, it seems the light-hearted